Setting out (location survey)

Setting out refers to a set of works to determine final positions of buildings, utility lines and roads on the ground.

The final positions to be provided by the customer may be in the form of:

  • A project made on paper. In this case, the hard copies are scanned, calibrated at the intersections of coordinate lines (on the grid) and then the coordinates of points are determined, which will be set out.
  • Project in electronic form. It means a project made in one of the programs for engineering drawing (AutoCAD, Microstation, MapInfo, etc.).
  • Catalogues of project point coordinates.

We perform the following contract-based work upon customer's request:

  • setting out of utility lines and roads;
  • setting out the axes of buildings and structures and other designed boundaries;
  • setting out during construction;
  • surface marking according to land allotments;
  • setting out using satellite equipment (GPS) in the RTK-mode and with the use of SSPP RB.

Service line

Interested legal entity or individual should apply in writing directly to the company to sign a contract for the works.

To get a consultation

Tel.: +375 17 286 32 79, +375 44 771 02 22
Head of Geodesy Department No. 2: Yason G. Samurganov

Tel..: +375 17 288 24 96
Head of Geodesy Division No. 1: Sergey I. Koshelapov
© State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. 2010-2024, State Enterprise "Belgeodesy"
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