Recalculation of coordinates

Services on transformation (recalculation) of coordinates and heights of elevations of defined points from one coordinate system to another are rendered by the State Enterprise “Belgeodesy” on the basis of a public contract.
The public contract, fees, as well as the service procedure in accordance with Art. 396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus constitute a public offer and may be accepted by the Customer only by acceding to it in its entirety. Publication (posting) of the text of the contract, fees, as well as the service delivery procedure on the official website of the enterprise constitute a public offer addressed to an indefinite number of persons inviting them to enter into this contract (paragraph 2 of Article 407 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus). The public offer posted on the company's website constitutes a publically available offer to enter into a contract with anyone who responds, with the right not to consider and not to discuss customer proposals for amendments and (or) additions to the contract and contains all material terms and conditions of the contract.

Service line

To get a consultation

Tel.: +375 17 334 75 73
        +375 17 334 72 04 conclusion of contracts, preparation of documents
        +375 29 669 51 45 (Viber)


© State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. 2010-2024, State Enterprise "Belgeodesy"
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