Digital elevation model

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital description of information about the elevation of the Earth's surface without taking into account vegetation, buildings and other high-rise objects located on it.

DEM can be represented in raster format (elevation marks in nodes of a regular grid with the formation of an altitude matrix) or vector format (elevation marks in irregular triangular network (TIN) or a set of contour lines).

DEM can be used to calculate vertical angles and slope exposures, analyze visibility/invisibility, build 3D images, build cross-section profiles, generate thalweg and watershed network lines, automate analytical terrain shading by calculating relative slope illuminations, digital orthotransformation and other computing operations and grapho-analytical constructions.
In Goskartgeofond, the DEM is usually stored in vector format as a set of contours, which can be easily converted to raster format and back, and covers almost the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Request form for purchase of DEM.

To get a consultation

Tel. +375 17 293 43 08;
      +375 44 720 94 97 (Viber)


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