Wall maps of cities: Gomel, Grodno, Minsk

The map of the city provides a detailed and accurate representation of the area necessary for the solution of tasks by all users, clearly identifies the main elements and objects, allows you to quickly assess the terrain and its properties.

An important means of increasing the visibility in our map is colour. The colour scheme of the map ensures the best colour contrast with the representation of operational information, statistics and other data.

Efficient communication of the map content is increased through a system of symbols, which transmit the maximum amount of information about the objects.

The three main advantages of the map are:

● accuracy;

● relevance;

● reliability.

Tariffs with indication of cities and possible sizes of wall maps:

Note: cost of lamination is not included in the table.

It is possible to produce a map of an individual administrative district of the city.


  • plotted output;
  • available in Russian.

Our advantages:

  • constant monitoring of the terrain provides a high degree of information relevance;
  • custom sizes and colour solutions are possible, 
  • we can make a customized map with additional information provided by the customer.

To get a consultation

Tel.: +375 17 284 93 11
Chief Expert: Natalya P. Perzashkevich

Tel.: +375 17 201 97 87
Mobile: +375 29 505 18 76
E-mail: onk@belgeodesy.by
Head of Navigation Maps Department: Kovalenko Sergey Nikolaevich

© State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. 2010-2025, State Enterprise "Belgeodesy"
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