Verification, calibration and repair of geodetic measuring instruments

Service provision procedure
  • A contract for the provision of services is signed with the interested party. 
  • The measuring instruments are received for service together with the work request containing the brand name and serial number of the instruments.
  • Once the scope of work has been determined, the customer will receive an invoice for payment for the services in accordance with the approved price list for works.

Instrument verification request form

Instrument calibration request form


The measuring instruments included in the State Register of measuring instruments, in which the verification interval and the validity of the type approval of devices are defined, are accepted for verification. You can view the State Register of Measuring Instruments on the public "State Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements".
If the instrument is not included in the State Register of measuring instruments, it must be calibrated.

Our laboratory offers verification of the following measuring instruments:

► Theodolites ► GNSS receivers
► Levels ► Telescopic alidades
► Distance meters  ►  Electronic distance meters
► Total station theodolites ► Levelling rods

Our laboratory also offers calibration of the following measuring instruments:

► Theodolites
► Levels 
► Distance meters

Price list for verification, calibration and repair work

Pricelist for GNSS equipment verification

To get a consultation

Tel./Fax: +375 17 284 37 13
A1.: +375 29 125 60 26
Head of deparment: Evgeniy A. Prus
© State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. 2010-2025, State Enterprise "Belgeodesy"
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